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Trial Technician | BASF Vegetable Seeds 
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Sez. Orticoltura
Sez. Orticoltura

Iscritto il: 09/08/2008, 9:24
Messaggi: 10218
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Nunhems Italy _ BASF Vegetable Seeds is searching for a:

Trial Technician | BASF Vegetable Seeds | Fondi - Latina Area | Italy | Full Time

Location: Fondi - Latina Area

Purpose of the job

Organize and independently coordinate, set up and execute trials as defined by the Regional Product Development Specialist and/or R&D teams for a specific area and/or crop(s) of expertise.

Use your local expertise to propose the local trial plan, maximizing trial impact and efficiency and this in consultation with the Regional Product Development Specialist and/or R&D teams. Assure those aspects related to the management of the culture, pursuing overall trial representativeness, that the crop ends its cycle in the trials without incidents and that the correct work of selection, evaluation is done with the necessary people involved.

The main crops in your area are: greenhouse tomatoes, melons, watermelons, lettuce.

Area of responsibility is Latina Area, particularly Fondi (LT).

Your tasks and responsibilities

Design, plan and coordinate the trial schedule for a specific area and/or crop of expertise in close cooperation with the Regional Product Development Specialist, R&D teams and the Team Lead, leading the local trial plan proposal in line with regional crop strategy.

Set up, monitor and execute the trials for a specific area and/or crops of expertise in close cooperation with Regional Product Development Specialist, R&D teams and the Team Lead.

Conduct field trial evaluations to collect, analyze and interpret autonomously subjective and objective trait data, according to the protocols, from trials and inform the Regional Product Development Specialist and/or R&D teams on the results.

Organize the necessary trial agreements, contracts and other processes with external and internal stakeholders.

Identify, analyze and present relevant information about competitors, market trends, agronomic topics/issues or any other valuable information to key stakeholders such as Regional Product Development Specialist, R&D teams, Marketing & Sales, Team Lead

Collect, analyze, interpret and register autonomously data from trials. Report back to the Regional Product Development Specialist and R&D teams using all available communication channels such as digital tools.

Use your trial evaluations and market knowledge to provide clear elevation proposals based on data analysis - aligned with the Regional Product Development Specialist and/or R&D teams. Show the performance of competitor varieties & highlight key advantages/disadvantages, ensuring external standards are known and included

Organize and coordinate meetings with all the necessary stakeholders involved in a crop/area/project in order to facilitate knowledge exchange and enable the decision making about trials and elevations.

Coordinate, communicate and update the trial plans to the Regional Product Development Specialist and R&D teams and provide technical inputs such as positioning, agronomic practices or other relevant variety information, in order to meet agreed standards about trial data quality, guarantee assertive positioning, time planning and budgets.

Propose and lead the local execution of Basic and Advanced product growing concept development trials to add value and broaden understanding aiming towards creating customized solutions for our customers.

Work with sales and customers to broaden your market understanding and to develop added value product concepts. Use these learnings to build more relevant trial plans, to review traits measured, give feedback to key stakeholders such as Regional Product Development Specialist and R&D teams and drive evaluation proposals.

Organize & train temporary resources/staff for trial work as necessary.

Support sales as a technical reference, sharing experiences of products in the field, provide local growing advice, support in demand creation activities and dealing with product related issues.

You are a professional with

A bachelor's degree in agriculture or equivalent applicable experience.
Experience in the above-mentioned crops is a big plus.
Willingness to work in the open field.
Experience with trialing is desired.
Computer literate. Some knowledge of Databases and statistics.
Good level of Italian & English, written and verbal is desired.
Driving license & willingness to travel.
Ability to work with seasonal peaks.

Do you recognize yourself in the below competencies?

Passion for agriculture.
Team worker that instills trust.
Flexible, autonomous and very organized.
Analytical and a good observer.
Strong organization and communication skills.
Willingness to drive improvement and change.
Quality oriented and aware of performance

What's in it for you?

Working in a challenging and international working environment with enthusiastic, professional and passionate colleagues. We pay a lot of attention to personal development and career

development. We offer a variable remuneration in addition to an attractive salary and excellent benefits like a good pension, collective health insurance, training opportunities, etc.

Welcome to BASF Vegetable Seeds

With more than 2.000 employees, we are present in all major vegetable production areas around the globe. We are dedicated to producing market-oriented varieties and seed products. We are oriented towards customers, and towards sharing value-added genetics, services and expertise to help them succeed.

It is our ambition to make healthy eating enjoyable and sustainable by offering vegetable solutions that are more in line with consumer demands. Our breeders and researchers are constantly working on the development of improved varieties in our laboratories, greenhouses and fields. We look at the needs of vegetable growers and the vegetable chain as well as consumer trends and social developments. By working together with partners in the vegetable value chain, we actively contribute to improve vegetable consumption with innovations that are attractive, healthy, tasty and sustainable.

BASF is one of the largest vegetable seed companies in the world, with its Nunhems® brand. Under this brand, BASF offers specialized advice and 1.200 vegetable varieties in 24 crops to the professional horticulture and vegetable chain. The company is present in all major vegetable producing markets and has more than 2.000 employees worldwide.

More than 600 employees work at the main location in Nunhems, NL; in the laboratory to support the worldwide breeding activities, and in modern greenhouses and trial fields for the breeding programs of among others melon, watermelon, pepper, leek, cucumbers, spinach, tomatoes and carrot, as well as in the seed cleaning and processing activities and quality assurance. High quality seeds are exported to customers in over 100 countries

Interested to join us?

Do you recognize yourself in this job description and do you have the right interpersonal skills, experiences and competencies to be successful in this challenging international position within BASF Vegetable Seeds?

Then we invite you to apply for this job and upload on the Career Nunhems page ( ... BpIq0EM%3d) your motivation letter and CV via the "Apply" button. Please apply before 24th June.

If you have any questions about the position, you can contact, via mail, our Local HR Business Partner Tatiana Pancaldi at

Personal data

When processing your personal data during the applicant's procedure, Nunhems Netherlands BV adheres to the applicable law and regulations, amongst others the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). For more information about the processing of your data and your rights, we would like to refer you to our privacy notice for applicants on our website
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