TSI Italia srl, the Italian company of Top Seeds International ltd, a multinational seeds company operating in research, production, sales and marketing of vegetable seeds, researches:
Technical-sales specialist for Northern Italy.
The requirements are:
- Agriculture studies;
- Previous experience in the agricultural sector; good knowledge of the seeds market in the Northern Italy
and of the main competitors;
- Communication and relational skills;
- Good level of spoken and written English;
- Residence (optional): Veneto;
We offer:
- Agreement according to the national law (ccnl: commercio);
- international, young and stimulating working environment;
- Professional growth opportunities in a developing company;
- Performing product catalog;
Interested people can send their CV, with consent to process personal information according to d.l. 196/2003, to:
info@tsiitalia.comThe selection is open to male and female (Law 903/77 and Law 125/91)
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