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Seconded National Experts within EFSA 
Autore Messaggio
Sez. Orticoltura
Sez. Orticoltura

Iscritto il: 09/08/2008, 9:24
Messaggi: 10204
Rispondi citando
Call for expressions of interest for Seconded National Experts within EFSA. (new deadline: 19 March 2010)
Scadenza: 19 marzo 2010
The Authority wishes to set up a list of candidates interested in a fixed-term agreement on secondment as Seconded National Expert (SNE), for a total period not exceeding four years.

Please note that on 18/09/2009 the new “Decision of the Executive Director laying down the rules applicable to national experts on secondment to the European Food Safety Authority” has entered into force. The text of the call for expressions of interest has been amended accordingly.

Applicants that have submitted their application before 19 September 2009 will be asked to confirm their interest in a possible secondment - accepting the new conditions in force - if their professional profiles will be considered of interest for EFSA. ... inary=true


04/11/2009, 23:55
Sez. Supporto Didattico
Sez. Supporto Didattico
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Iscritto il: 13/03/2008, 19:23
Messaggi: 68951
Località: Pinzolo (TN) - Firenze
Formazione: Laurea in Scienze agrarie
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Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare
Largo Natale Palli, 5/A (traversa di Viale Mentana)
43121 Parma - Italia ... 0_home.htm

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08/11/2009, 22:00
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