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Iscritto il: 12/09/2016, 22:08
Messaggi: 66
Località: Bari
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Hello everybody. After a long time I'm back :D
After reasoning a lot on my own, I came out with the solution that the best thing I'd be able to realize, is having 4 pigs (I've read that 150€ a month are anough) in 1/2 hectare, and some chickens in the other middle, occupied by a wood. I'd like not to cut the airs to the birds, in order to respect their natural instinct. If I set them free, would they go far away ? (Before, I'd keep them in the coop for two weeks). Now, I ask how should I start, cause I'd like to create a little chickens' breeding only for eggs. Which number is on my way (I am thinking about 100/200) How much big should the coop be ? Wich would the earnings be ?
thank you in advance :)

30/09/2016, 18:53
Sez. Miscellanea
Sez. Miscellanea
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Iscritto il: 27/07/2011, 13:09
Messaggi: 29314
Località: Imperia
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Hey Michette, I dont think is a problem, just before start free is necessary to stay usually two weeks
where you give something to heat end where she sleep and all is good, every night shes come back to sleep
in a hen-house


Sorry for my english :lol:

Nella vita non esistono sfide, ma solo una sfida, quella con te stesso...
"Gli esseri umani nascono con capacità diverse. Se sono liberi, non sono uguali. E se sono uguali, non sono liberi."
Aleksandr Solženicyn

30/09/2016, 20:10

Iscritto il: 12/09/2016, 22:08
Messaggi: 66
Località: Bari
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Don't you worry for the English, I wil understand anyway :D. Ok, so if they stay in a coop for two weeks, later they won't go away? Did I understand correctly ?

30/09/2016, 20:13

Iscritto il: 12/09/2016, 22:08
Messaggi: 66
Località: Bari
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How many chickens could I have in 1 hectare ?

30/09/2016, 20:49
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Iscritto il: 24/06/2015, 1:40
Messaggi: 470
Formazione: Diploma, Enogastronomico.
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Hello, You Should keep one hen every 10 square meters ,to maintain a clean environment.
But you can go down to 3 meters.
In That case, However, 'the land will become' less beautiful.

Vivo In Piemonte, San damiano d'asti ( asti)

30/09/2016, 22:53

Iscritto il: 12/09/2016, 22:08
Messaggi: 66
Località: Bari
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Ok thank ya so much :D
Since I don't want the greenwood to be ruined by the chickens, I've decided to have 1 chicken per 10 mq. So by doing the calculate I could have 500 chickens. How much big would the coop be ? Do I have to create lots of coops or a giant one is the best ?

01/10/2016, 14:05
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Iscritto il: 17/08/2013, 16:17
Messaggi: 3161
Località: Ostra (AN)
Formazione: Laurea
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Hello. I was wondering whether your field and the wood are enclosed?! If not, there should be a lot of predators, such as foxes, martens and so on. Chickens are an easy prey for all of them. Only one coop in the middle of the wood would be too big (for 500 chickens) in my opinion and you should cut down a few trees so as to build it. Shouldn't you? In addition, chickens need to get used to entering and sleeping inside the coop, otherwise they tend to fly up the trees and spend the night there... Martens and beech martens can climb trees, too, be careful....

01/10/2016, 15:00

Iscritto il: 12/09/2016, 22:08
Messaggi: 66
Località: Bari
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Yes, the territory I would like to dedicate to them isn't enclosed up. I thought that chickens, since they are used to enter the coop in the night, they don't go to the trees to sleep on. I also thought that predators catch only in the night, so isn't it ? It would be very expensive to enclose all the area with wire mesh, could I use an electric encloser ? Or it is too much short and the chickens would simply overcome it ?
Thank ya still :) and sorry for the disorder

01/10/2016, 19:20
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Iscritto il: 17/08/2013, 16:17
Messaggi: 3161
Località: Ostra (AN)
Formazione: Laurea
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Well, first of all I'd like to say that 500 hens are too many to start with in my view?! You could begin with fewer hens and after a few months you might increase the number of chickens if you realize you've got enough customers to sell all the eggs.
As for predators, such as foxes, they can catch even during the day, particularly in the breeding season, that is to say in spring/summer. Anyway I wish you the best of luck in your new activity! :)

02/10/2016, 17:36

Iscritto il: 12/09/2016, 22:08
Messaggi: 66
Località: Bari
Rispondi citando
Thank you so much!! How many hens do you suggest me to start with ? Do you know a low cost way to enclose the area ?

02/10/2016, 20:36
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