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info su incubazione uova di oche 
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Iscritto il: 26/04/2010, 21:11
Messaggi: 1636
Località: avellino
Formazione: studente tecnico radiologo
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salve a tutti...un mio amico oggi mi ha portato delle uova di oche per incubarle,fino ad ora ho solo incubato galline,fagiani e faraone, ma non ho mai incubato anatidi,quindi sull'incubazione non conosco proprio niente, zero spaccato. quindi se magari mi proponete qualche post vecchio,o se c'è qualcuno che le ha incubato con discreti risultati,riportasse la sua esperienza. confido in voi ;)

23/01/2012, 17:38
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Iscritto il: 08/07/2010, 21:08
Messaggi: 1485
Località: MT
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ciao, allora se leggi sulle istruzioni dell'incubatrice, leggerai che l'umidità deve essere + alta, bisogna spruzzare le uova e via dicendo. Io ti posto la mia esperienza: come te mi avevano regalato 4 uova di oche, mi sono chiesto le tue stesse domande e in + se valeva la pena accendere l'incubatrice per 4 uova! siccome erano le prime uova, ho fatto il procedimento inverso e cioè, ho messo uova di polli nell'incubatrice e le 4 uova di oca, naturalmente in giorni diversi, ho adottato tutti gli accorgimenti per le uova dei polli ma per le oche nulla. Risultato ottima schiusa per i polli e le uova di oca su 4, 2 nate, 1 non è riuscita ad uscire dall'uova e 1 non fertile.
Questa la mia esperienza ora passo agli altri la parola...

Mi dà sempre un brivido quando osservo un gatto che sta osservando qualcosa che io non riesco a vedere.
- Eleanor Farjeon -

23/01/2012, 18:10
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Iscritto il: 11/10/2010, 0:51
Messaggi: 259
Località: sardegna medio-campidano
Formazione: laurea in camion
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Ciao gerr,ti racconto la mia ultima esperienza (veramente di mia moglie :mrgreen: )
Nel mio terreno dove ci sono tutti gli animali liberi,sono comparse le prime uova di oca (inizio dicembre) :)
Arrivate a 5 mia moglie non ha resistito e le ha rubate !! e incubate assieme ad altre 21 uova di anatra recuperate qua' e la' in giro per il terreno!! :roll: Tutte assieme!!Dal primo giorno (a giorni alterni)fino al 25° aprire l'incubatrice far raffreddare 10 minuti, spruzzare le uova con acqua tiepida e richiudere.Al 10° giorno fatto speratura,tre uova di oca risultate bianche :cry:
tutte le altre fecondate :D .Al 25° giorno spento girauovo e aumentata umidita'.Al 28° giorno (11 gennaio)nati 12 anatrocoli (germanata veneta) e riacceso girauova 1 ora per tre volte al giorno.Al 30° giorno,aiutati da mia moglie nati 2 bellissimi paperotti
e girauova fisso acceso.Al 32° giorno spento girauova.AL 35° giorno nati 6 anatrocoli (anatra muta) :D
Al 37° giorno spento tutto e aperto le ultime 3 uova rimaste,3 anatrine morte dentro prima di nascere :(
Questa e' la mia/nostra esperienza,ci abbiamo provato e mi sembra non sia andata tanto male!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Saluti Maurizio M.

24/01/2012, 0:04

Iscritto il: 12/12/2008, 14:38
Messaggi: 233
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Vai su questo topic dove troverai dettagliatamente tutti i sonsigli necessari... Io ho seguito passo passo la ragazza in merito l' incubazione delle uova di oca...

24/01/2012, 12:02

Iscritto il: 24/01/2012, 14:15
Messaggi: 1
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Using cigarettes. Ask me why now there many complete using tobacco?? Why is all of them apply it?? Smoking outcome your overall health?? Has it been unsafe?? What on earth is the actual element from the e cigarette which will make person and so hard towards beat the poor practice?? A better solution will be CIGARETTE SMOKING. Which can be has become the the majority addicting, dangerous not to mention acquireable medications on this planet. The application clearly discuss the whole set of resolution higher than.

Using cigarettes is actually a lousy addiction in fact it is troublesome in addition to bad for individuals who really don't toxins. Smoke have the effect of close to several. 9 thousand fatalities every year. Leave smoking cigarettes is not really very unlikely. This is good quality phase which can help smoking efficianado to avoid designed by poor common practice:

Ways that can help

1. Receive the SOLID ENTHUSIASM to cure smoking cigarettes. Think of getting an index of the grounds people are planning on stopping so that you can side in place ones strength of mind. Specified, existing, emotion-based purposes tend to be superior to truthful, future-based explanations. For example, "It's awkward for you to drive the actual elevator at the job smelling such as a big cigarette" is actually additional encouraging when compared with "I really don't have to get cancers any time I am 50. inches

couple of. Go with a DISTINCT LEAVE TIME. As a substitute for looking to cease on a yearly basis onto your birthday bash and also for the Brand-new Year's Solution, test finally quitting at a Wednesday! Gives everyone fladskærm probability from a time rather than just you -- turning it into more probable that you're going to be a success. Your Wholesome Wednesday Effort, some sort of non-profit nationwide open public wellness effort from the Columbia University's Mailman The school connected with Open Wellness, really encourages visitors to give up smoking cigarettes and even take on various other good methods at Mondays.

3. Relating to the final decision to stop using tobacco plus your "quit date", TEND NOT TO TOXINS VERY SAME COMPANY. Any change within flavour together with chemical substances is going to getting USING CIGARETTES significantly less pleasant, but is not intolerable. Converting brand names even really helps to 'de-automate' TOBACCO, which in turn may help you are more responsive to ones own common practice and even raise ones possibilities pertaining to accomplishment.

some. CLEAR AWAY MOST OF STRONG TOBACCO SUPPLEMENT, including lighters and even match ups in a home office as well as home office. Likewise, do not also hold the load up regarding smoking cigarettes your own house, given it will always make that much better to start off CIGARETTES yet again.

5. Get a PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION AS WELL AS HEALTH CARE PROVIDER that may help you give up smoking cigarettes. May be substitute therapies is definitely a single possibility. Which can be outages to push out a dependable river associated with cigarette smoking in to your own blood as a result of your epidermis, not to mention smoking chewing gum produces cigarette smoking from your cellular lining in your own estuary. Other styles with may be substitute therapies can include cigarette smoking sprays not to mention inhalers of which in addition get the job done through presenting smoking towards your entire body. You may as well need to attempt a e-cigarette, which will produces cigarette smoking through vapour mode. As an alternative, question your medical professional in relation to prescriptions to assist you stop trying.

6. Pull through the best 1 week. Have a CIGARET SUBTITUTE similar to mints, sunflower plant seeds, toothpicks, electronic cigarette and even coffee beans stirrers to acquire useful to not even USING TOBACCO. After you ended up SMOKES, your own body-mind started to be familiar with the particular bodily work regarding SMOKING CIGARETTES, keeping this smoke on your give, as well as having the idea on your lip area; implementing ordinary replacements assists a emotive conversion to never CIGARETTES.

7. ACQUIRE SOME PIECES OF INFORMATION. Search for TOBACCO via the internet and discover the associated with that, together with how things go about for you to smokers down the road. Even, obtain comparing all quit-SMOKING supplement and / or methodology you are looking for, while analysis demonstrates that certain tend to be valuable compared with other people.

8. You too can cease this urges as a result of working on twenty five pushups and SCRUBBING ONES OWN TOOTH once you have a good crave.

9. Stay positive AND ALSO ASSURED you could kick the habit. You will have invested in time and effort preparing how you will definitely will contend with the project into the future from immediately after each of our approaches for abandoning SMOKES. Are convinced you may and discover exercise if you ever keep working at it.

10. Have a shot at abstaining as a result of TOBACCO for one few weeks. PRESERVE SHARING ON YOUR OWN you can get back on TOBACCO following that 4 weeks. In that case, if the four weeks comes to an end, pick irrespective of whether a person Genuinely wish to turn back. The remedy should really be "no! inch

smoker ally

24/01/2012, 14:18
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Iscritto il: 26/04/2010, 21:11
Messaggi: 1636
Località: avellino
Formazione: studente tecnico radiologo
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grazie a tutti oggi le ho incubate,io ci provo...speriamo bene! 9 uova ci sono andate :mrgreen:
una si sta parlando ancora di incubazione delle uova? :o :o
credo che le sigarette non facciano parte dell'incubazione :lol: :lol:

24/01/2012, 21:45

Iscritto il: 12/05/2010, 23:59
Messaggi: 194
Località: brescia
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ciao gerr,ti dico anche la mia,io ho un'incubatrice vecchia di 30anni, con un contenitore per le uova,e una vaschetta d'acqua sotto,non ha manopole per regolare la temperatura ma solamente una leva per girare le uova,ho incubato uova d'oca per 4anni,come del resto uova di quaglie, galline, e anatre selvatiche, tutte sono nate con la stessa temperatura giustamente in giorni diversi,non ho mai bagnato come qualcuno mi aveva suggerito,le uova con uno spruzzino d'acqua,sono nate ugualmente,però poi ho scoperto delle incubatrici migliori,che non vanno a corrente,non si fanno fregare dai temporali(e i piccoli nascono) e covano sempre le sto usando e sono contento,sono le tacchine. ciao

24/01/2012, 23:56
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