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Congress of the EUROCASTA - from 13 to September 15, 2018 
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Sez. Supporto Didattico
Sez. Supporto Didattico
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Iscritto il: 13/03/2008, 19:23
Messaggi: 69161
Località: Pinzolo (TN) - Firenze
Formazione: Laurea in Scienze agrarie
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The European chestnut sector meets in Spain

AREFLH, in partnership with the Association of Cooperatives of the Jerte Valley and Fundecyt-Pctex, organises the 9th congress of the EUROCASTA network, hosted within the sectorial meeting of the bioeconomy, in Plasencia (Extremadura, Spain) from 13 to September 15, 2018.

The event, which will bring together players from the European chestnuts sector, will focus on the transfer of technology and knowledge to stimulate the sector and highlight the importance of the survival of this species at European level. The collaboration of the European producing regions is essential for the defense of the sector and the implementation of common strategies in relation to the transfer of knowledge, work and technology.

Within of the 2nd Bioeconomy gathering, Eurocasta 2018 will address key issues like new growing technologies, models to be followed and implemented, as well as successful cooperative models.

The Eurocasta event will also aim to show the working methods in the packaging plant of the Association of Cooperatives of the Jerte Valley, where the savoir-faire leads to a quality product, safe and respectful of the environment.

Like every year since 2010, the main organisations representing the sector in France, Spain, Italy and Portugal will present an inventory of the European production, trade and processing sectors.

Lastly, during the technical visits, Eurocasta 2018 will unveil the latest progresses in chestnut cultivation north of the city of Cáceres.

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Sez. Supporto Didattico
Sez. Supporto Didattico
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Iscritto il: 13/03/2008, 19:23
Messaggi: 69161
Località: Pinzolo (TN) - Firenze
Formazione: Laurea in Scienze agrarie
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Eurocasta programme and registration

The programme, the registration form and the accommodation details are available on the website

Furthermore, presentations from previous congresses are still available at:

It should be noted that the Government of Extremadura is actively collaborating in this event financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Regional Development Fund.

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