EkoSeedForum - European conference on organic seeds, organic plant breeding and crop biodiversity, Poznan, 20 - 22 March 2014 – participants from 14 countries already registered
During the last decade, several initiatives and networks on organic seed breeding and seed production have been founded. Hence, many of these initiatives are situated in Western Europe whereas in Central and Eastern Europe, the use and breeding of organic seeds is often not yet widely developed. However, the preservation of biodiversity and old varieties has a long tradition in Central and Eastern Europe. In all areas, the actors of East and West do rarely know each other and possibilities for cooperation are used to little.
The "EkoSeedForum - European conference on organic seeds, organic plant breeding, and crop biodiversity" provides a good opportunity to change that: The international meeting, organized by EkoConnect in Poznan addresses organic and conventional breeders, seed multipliers, organizations for the preservation of crop diversity, farmers, gardeners and other seed users, trade companies, organizations connected to organic farming and representatives of the seed industry (consultants, scientists, associations, etc.).
Registration in is open until the 25th February 2014. More information and registration at
http://www.ekoconnect.org/en/ekoseedforum.html EkoConnect – International Centre for Organic Agriciculture of Central and Eastern Europe (Germany) is organising this event in cooperation with the host University of Life Sciences Poznan in Poland and the partners IFOAM EU Group (Belgium), ECO-PB (Switzerland), Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft (Germany), Association for Old Varieties and Breeds (Poland), Kultursaat e. V. (Germany), Association Forum of Organic Agriculture named Mieczyslaw Górny (Poland), Bingenheimer Saatgut AG (Germany), SAVE Foundation (Switzerland), Agrolink (Bulgaria), University of Göttingen (Germany) and Seed Guardians (Slovenia).
The EkoSeedForum is the second international event which is organized by EkoConnect and partners 2014 in Poland. The other one is the 9th Organic Marketing Forum in Warsaw in June
www.organic-maketing-forum.org. Everybody with professional interest is invited to both events.
If you are interested in participating, please contact: Anna Tarnowska (
anna.tarnowska@ekoconnect.org) or Magdalena Saczyna (
magdalena.saczyna@ekoconnect.org) , phone +49 351 65 888 568.
Contact person for the media: Bernhard Jansen, Chairman
jansen@ekoconnect.org, +49 351 2066 173
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