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Little photovoltaic plant in Liguria mounted on a greenhouse 
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Iscritto il: 17/09/2010, 23:51
Messaggi: 3
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I am german and I want to build up a little photovoltaic plant in Liguria. I have thought about a glasshouse with defective slices which are available with a great variety there. I only speak german an (not very good) english.

Maybe you could the google translator: Strumenti per le lingue
I have some questions:

Why there are so much glasshouses with defective glasses? Is that because of vandalism or earthquake?

Do I need a special approval from a governmental agency for mounting the photovoltaic panels?

How I could get in contact to an owner of one of these glasshouses? I would lease the right for mounting the panels for 21 Years, I have thougt.

In Germany a Compensation between five an ten percent of the Feed-in tariff would be appropriate. How seem such a model for you?

18/09/2010, 0:07

Iscritto il: 20/08/2010, 22:25
Messaggi: 45
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I do not know all the answer but I can began with some information.

Liguria is not sismic region. The defective glass cause can be different, I do not think vandalism, it is more probable hail. That depend maybe also in which part of the region you talk about.

For all the permission I do not know the legislation, consider that here we have also some local legislation.

A problem is that the legislation regarding the energy change quite often, maybe other people may correct me, but the future is quite uncertain.
Moreover, I think you can find a bit of resistance for this business model. I do not think that it is diffuse here, while it is more diffuse (maybe also in German) that you make a contract to buy the panel to install on your own property, and pay the cost of the panel with the energy sell.

18/09/2010, 0:39

Iscritto il: 17/09/2010, 23:51
Messaggi: 3
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Hello Iry,
thanks for answering.

I have thought, that legal conditions in Italy now are set: ... oren-13011

Next year there are 40,2 Ct/kWh in Italy possible, in Germany there are Feed-in tariffs extremely shortend. From about 40 Ct/kWh to about 30 Ct/kWh. In Germany there are also about 1700 hours sun/year, in Liguria there are 2700 hours of sun/year.

In Germany til July this year there was an interest of 10%/year possible, next year photovoltaic is not economic for the investor unless plant prices will drop considerably.

Renting a roof of a house was in the past certainly unusual. But with this multitude of photovoltaic plants such legal constructions had gotten widespread.

Example for a Rental in Germany: Roof area about 200 square meters, means about 30 kWp power that could be installed. In Germany you can assume about 1000 kW/1kWp, which means 30000 kWh á 0,4 Ct/kWh, which means 12000 Euro/year, which means a rental of 600 Euro/year supposing a record of five percent. Last year partly 10% had been payed.

Calculation Liguria:

plus 10 til 20 percent in gain. I propose 30% or more.

18/09/2010, 1:33

Iscritto il: 17/09/2010, 23:51
Messaggi: 3
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Link to the map showing global irradiation in Italy: ... mum_IT.png

18/09/2010, 1:37
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